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How Do You Find the Time?

A question that came up last week during my 90 Day Mentoring Challenge was: How do you find the time to upskill? It's vital to stay ahead of software, trends, and certifications.

Finding Time for Personal Development

It always takes work to find the time. It helps if you can prioritise different things at different times. For example, I have a young family, which takes priority, especially in the early mornings. For personal development, I've found the five-hour rule very powerful. It means spending one hour daily on personal development. This can mean reading, watching videos, or developing skills to advance your career.

Balancing Life and Learning

Life often gets in the way of our goals, but how do you prioritise? After a long day at work, the last thing you may feel like doing is opening your laptop to learn something new. Time management often equates to energy management for me. I am more productive when I stack my days with things that energize me, rather than drain me.

Techniques for Effective Time Management

  1. Batch Processing: In podcasting, I spend three days a month recording all episodes for the next month. This time helps me get in the right mindset and produce consistent, high-quality content.

  2. Time Boxing: This is another technique I use. I ensure I can do focused work without distractions by allocating specific time slots for tasks.

  3. Idea Capture: When inspiration strikes, and I can't act, I capture the idea for later. This system ensures that I don’t lose any good ideas.

Sacred Time for Learning

If continuous learning is a priority, having sacred time for it is a must—one hour a day. You might batch this throughout the week, but aim for an average of one hour daily. Managing your calendar is critical. If you don't control it, someone else will.

Owning Your Schedule

Years ago, I worked in the mortgage industry. I managed my schedule to reserve evenings and weekends for family. If a customer wanted to meet, I offered an alternative—morning tea near their workplace. This way, I maintained productivity and family time.

Create Your Hacks

Managing your diary and schedule lets you prioritise tasks that propel your career and give you energy. Choose your path, or others will choose it for you. Be clear about your priorities to avoid marching to someone else's drum.

How do you find the time?